


Illumi-Meguri-Ride pics

It was the coolest ride of the year!
Went Roppongi Heartland (we saw a same bar woman who disrespected us at the very first our ride two years ago!) >>Tokyo tower (some arguments with security guard) >> http://www.hanacona.jp/ (tell you, don't gon there.) >> Yakitori Izakaya >> Ocyanomizu station (to catch the last train for Spencer. I thought it was impossible since beginning, Yakitori Izakaya! However, we made it!!! 25 minutes from Shibuya to Ochanomizu is faster than a real messenger!! may be.)



This is my friend's blog.
I've met him at the BFF. It is so sad but will leave Japan before Christmas.
I hope I can ride with him again in this Friday.

And hope you visit his blog that is looks like our blog name.
His opinion, how he thinks about our culture is very interesting and his drawing skill is fantastic!


Taichung business trip report

My coworker in Taiwan told me that his brother is a bike shop owner in Taichung when I went to there for the first time on my business trip!!! and watched the bike polo by TCC in my final night in Taiwan! It was the one of coolest thing happened in this year.
Thanks to
and the bike shop
and of course to Matt!

Illumi-meguri-ride follow-up

whalabout this route...
anywhere else to add?

around 8pm at the heartlandbar!!


Illumi-Meguri-Ride on 17th!

17th, this friday we are going to ride.
Thru one of the highest moments here in tokyo...
The illumination everywhere, so we step into that areas.
for more info is coming...later



B.F.F.!!! wonderful!

The last night, the premier show of "Tokyo to Osaka(T2O)" was held at Bike Film Festival in Japan. That was really impressive.

The reason to get a grip to guide T2O crew.
The reason of riding bike.

you could find all answer in that movie.
if any chance you can see the film, just go. It's worth.

Congrats EW !!

(photo is coming later, so you'll see)